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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Artcle #2 Notes

Adam B
Mrs. Zurkowski
23 September, 2010
Foster Children
Gathering Information- Notes
“Foster Care.” World of Health. Gale, 2007. Gale Student Resources in Context. Web. 15 Sept. 2010.
·         “Foster care is an arrangement by which children live temporarily with people other than their own families who, for various reasons, are unable to care for them” (1).
·         Places where foster children can stay includes non-relative homes, shelters, and any places where people will let them stay there.
·         The main factor that make children decide to go into foster care is parental trouble or abuse and neglect from others
·         Even though foster children are alone, many of them have found some way to care for themselves and be dependent until they are adopted.
·         Once children lose their parents or relatives, they are usually dumped into a random family until adulthood.
·         It is also very common for families to arrange a family for a specific foster child so they at least go to a place where they know the family.
·         On the increase since the 1980s though are more foster children being put in a tentative home with a family because of drug abuse from addicted parents.
·         “Since the beginning of the twentieth century, changing circumstances and an increase in the need for foster children have made it necessary for foster care programs to become better organized and regulated” (2).
·         Many foster children placed in a foster home either have a physical or mental illness or they have a problem with social interaction.
·         As a result of all these foster children having a specific illness, many foster parents find it very hard to take care of these kids so they end up going to another foster home.
·         To become an eligible foster parent, a parent has to be screened and have skills for loving his/her foster child and be willing to accept a foster child into their own lives.

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